Friday, October 26, 2012

Parliament, Assisi, and some everyday Viterbo

Ciao tutti!  I hope you all enjoyed my post about the chocolate festival, I wish I could bring home a suitcase full for everybody!  It’s been a busy week so far, so I wanted to catch everybody up and post about my trip to Parliament and Assisi and share some of my upcoming plans.

The assembly room in the Italian Parliament
On Wednesday a small number of people from the USAC group had the opportunity to go to Rome to see the Italian Parliament. The building was very large from the front with three flags that hung proudly from the center.  It consisted of several long hallways with very tall ceilings and stairs taking you from floor to floor and room to room. We had a short tour around which ended with us sitting in on a session of the deputies. The assembly room was so large and magnificent; it was exactly like what you see in pictures and on television.  The cherry wood walls against the velvet red of the seating that encircled the room seemed to beckon a sense of importance, or even royalty for that matter.

The tour guide that brought us around was very scattered and didn’t seem to know English well so it was difficult to catch most of it, but I understood the magnitude of what I was having the opportunity to do. While we sat in on the session, the tour guide pointed out the panels and seats with buttons with a wall connected to a circuit board that lights up when the board members vote.  The colors were so bold and elegant that just sitting there you could almost understand the extent of decisions that were likely made in that very room.  Though our visit was very brief, those small moments there were definitely ones that I’ll appreciate and remember forever. Though my day in Rome visiting the Italian Parliament was pretty exciting, I think my day in Assisi was one that definitely topped the list for this past week. 

Just arriving at the train station!
After USAC’s visit to Perugia on Saturday the 20th a small group of people and I had planned to head over to Assisi that same evening.  We found a hostile that we booked just a few weeks earlier, called “As Easy as it Sounds” right outside of the train station we were arriving at from Perugia.  It was my first ever experience staying at a hostile, and boy… was that exciting for me.  When we arrived I felt like a little kid at Christmas.  I’ve heard a lot of crazy hostile stories but this one was definitely on the nicer end.  It seemed closer to an apartment that we just rented out for the night.  It was perfectly clean and the beds were nicely made all with delicately folded towels on top.  The rooms were even color coordinated and decorated and basically, the hostile was just glorious.  I honestly loved it and for a second I never wanted to leave.  I guess it was just nice to be in a home setting after running around on our feet all day trying to sample as much chocolate as we could.  I ended up staying up pretty late, attempting to have conversations with my roommates in Italian… not sure how much we were able to obtain from it… but the conversations were fun regardless.

In the morning the lady in charge of the hostile brought us our breakfast literally on a silver platter… it was pretty splendid.  Of course the croissant wasn’t complete with its portion size package of Nutella that I just easily smothered on top of its warm crisp outer layer.  Couldn’t complain after that start to my day.  We took a bus from the train station all the way to Assisi, which ended up only taking about 15 minutes.  It took us straight to The Basilica of San Francesco, our first destination for the morning where we planned to attend mass.  Apparently there was supposed to be an English mass but we didn’t realize it was in the upstairs portion of the Basilica, so we ended up in the Italian mass in the main portion. I wasn’t disappointed though as they provided us with pamphlets of the readings and responses in Italian so I could follow along and participate. 

 Before the pews filled up before morning mass
The mass was simply beautiful, from the detailed and elegant church interior to the organ playing in the background to the harmonious voices of the entire church singing along with every song.  I had moments where everything just kind of hit me.  St. Francis has been one of my favorite saints ever since I was little.  He is the patron saint of animals and I even remember in 3rd grade playing the harmonica for mass at my Catholic elementary school to the prayer of St. Francis, Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace.  I never would have thought in a million years that of all people I would be one day walking around the streets where St. Francis once lived and preached.  I could just as easily be at home, looking at the world from my bedroom window.  I have to pinch myself sometimes.  This is me… here in Italy… and living one of the best adventures in my life. 

The Basilica of San Francesco
After mass we had the opportunity to visit the crypt below the basilica and see the tomb of Saint Francis.  I didn’t know at first that is what we were seeing, so it was a humble surprise when I realized what was actually happening. My whole body just kind of went numb and I couldn’t believe that I was actually standing the same room where the body of St. Francis himself was kept.  There were lots of visitors ushering through but there was such a sense of peace in the room, as everybody seemed to understand the beauty of what we were experiencing in that moment.  The room was quiet and cold; with the rounded ceilings outline the simple architecture and design of the room. The tomb was suspended above the ground encircled in brick and adorned with lilies and candles.  Several people just stopped at the kneelers at the base of the tomb and prayed, paying homage and honor to the Saint, seemingly overcome with such awe and shock that I could almost sense tears forming in the corner of their eyes.  It was such a beautiful experience, and never before had I seen people so subservient and overcome with such emotion, their eyes were even glimmered with amazement and awe.

From the mass I split off from the group because I had some things I wanted to do besides peruse the shops.  I loved Assisi in comparison with other towns because it seemed a lot quieter and everything was very close.  I’m horrible with directions but Assisi had a very straight forward layout and even though I got lost I found out where I was in a second just because I could see the top of the Basilica, and all the roads seem to connect to a main street that is somewhat close.  I had a great time just walking around, forgetting that I had to catch the bus to get to the train station in only a few hours.  It was nice just letting that all go and take in everything a moment at a time.

The view from the Basilica of Saint Chiara
My wandering landed me at The Basilica of Saint Chiara on the other side of town, which was marvelous with its gallant view just a stones throw away from the entrance of the church.  It was beautiful.   There were three layers looking out, first a grove of olive trees slanted against the wall, then there the cobblestone vias shadowed by cypress trees and the occasional church.  Then, a step even further was the best view of all, the rest of the city just lying out in the distance like a picture with a heavy cloud of mist just lightly careening over the tops of the houses and buildings.  I decided to just get a gelato and spend some time just looking out over the view and writing.  There was a little cat hiding in the olive tree looking for a nearby snack and it was fun watching her with her big blue eyes staring back at me every few moments.  It was really then I began to appreciate the extent of everything.  With the beautiful view in front of me, smacking the last drips of Fior di Latte gelato off my fingers, I was just so happy words couldn’t exactly pinpoint the feeling.  I guess its just those moments that I’ve fallen in love with, being somewhere so new, so unexpected, and just spending time thinking and taking in all the sights, sounds, and smells around me. 

God's Support, Sostegno divino
Some more wandering landed me at the Assisi Cathedral, or the Cathedral of Saint Rufino where both Saint Francis and Saint Clair were baptized.  It was a beautiful church kind of hidden with its close proximately to shops and apartments.  I spent some time inside looking around and found a hallway in the back full of paintings of Pope John Paul II.  I sort of just glanced at them at first, but after noticing a few in particular, I had to literally just stop and admire them.  I could literally feel the emotions in his facial expressions; the paintings were so well done.  It really made me appreciate the art that people can even create today, even against such high standards of the past.  The church was so peaceful and quiet that I took the opportunity to spend some time in one of the chapels adorned with some magnificent frescoes.  In the front sat a flawless gold tabernacle with garden mums and tall candles outlining the perfect symmetry of the room.  It was wonderfully peaceful, a moment I wasn’t going to miss out on especially against the hustle and bustle of the day.

After looking around I walked past a few shops, but one in particular caught my eye, a small shop by the name of Oggetti.  I noticed some scarves that I liked and so I decided to go in.  There was nobody else in there, just an older woman folding some dish clothes she was selling.  I greeted her than preceded to look around.  I was trying to decide on something and I was going to ask for another color but I didn’t really know how to say “darker” in Italian.  So I asked “Parli Inglese?” but she shook her head no, with a slightly disappointed smile.  But she proceeded to help me anyways and realized that I at least new a little bit of Italian, enough so that we could have some basic conversation.  I loved that she was so open to talking to me, even though it took some time for me to think and respond to her comments.  Some people I have met act so awkward with the language barrier, but its people like her that really encourage me to learn more.  I was able to ask her a few basic questions, and tell where and what I was studying.  She told me a little bit about herself while she proceeded to tie the scarf around my neck, holding up a mirror that she had lying on her desk.  Not only did I like the scarf, but how could I say no after this lady had been so friendly and helpful?  So of course I bought it, and now it’s probably my favorite scarf hanging in my closet because of the story behind it.  That was definitely the cherry on top of my day and a lady that will be difficult to ever forget.

Flower pots adorn so many buildings in Assisi
We only had the morning and early afternoon in Assisi because we had to catch the bus to get to the train station on time.  We ended up having two transfers via train and the last section of our trip we took a bus back to Viterbo.  The last train station was literally in the middle of nowhere and we had to wait a couple hours for the bus.  Even though it was a public bus, it was quite tiny and everyone almost fit, with the exception of a couple people that had to stand in the isle on the few stops before we reached Viterbo.  And with the night looming, it was beginning to get quite dark, so the atmosphere on the bus was quite interesting.  As we winded through the long country roads in the Italian countryside with the bus driver just sort of half-hazardly driving the bus with his cell phone in his hand a quarter of the time, man handling the gigantic wheel that seemed to take up ½ the front of the bus, I almost felt like I was dropped in a scene for some sort of mystery or fantasy novel.  It was so odd because sitting in that bus just traveling through such untouched parts of Italy, with the radio softly playing in the background and the hush of conversations and whispers filling in the empty spaces of silence, I felt a sense of awkward normalcy.  Here I was, riding in this random bus in the middle of Italy with people I’ve never even met, yet I was completely at peace, and it felt almost usual even though obviously an experience like this wasn’t exactly the norm for me.

Cyclamen leading the way home, Assisi
After I got home, I clunked into my bed, completely tired and happy knowing I had some more quiet and peaceful days in Viterbo ahead of me.  I got back into the swing of my day to day with my classes, internship, and tutor schedule.  The tutoring with the 17 year olds is going really well, and the teacher really uses us to the student’s benefit in learning and practicing the English language.  Because I am in the class with two other USAC students, it’s a bit more low key and I really enjoy just helping out the students, they are really so eager and excited to learn and have us there.  Also, on Mondays I tutor for two hours the group of five girls from the elementary school.  They are really learning so much in the time I’ve worked with them and it’s exciting to see their improvement.  Motivation I’m learning is really a key thing in getting students to be successful and enjoy their work.  I’ve figured out one of the best ways to motivate them is to create competition.  If they win in the games we play together, they can earn points to redeem for chocolate.  One of them is very stubborn and sometimes doesn’t want to participate so I figured out that I could just take points away if they don’t listen.  So, after realizing that she wouldn’t get any chocolate without any points if she didn’t participate in our next activity she uncrossed her arms and jumped up, eager and ready as ever.  I kind if just laughed inside… kids are the same anywhere you go, really.

Loving the colors in Assisi
My latest experience though was the starting of a new internship at the same high school with a different teacher working with 14-year-old students. Another USAC student had already worked with the class last week so this time I really had to get the feel for how different the teacher was using us for her classroom.  I literally arrived and immediately introduced myself, and the teacher just kind of sat at her desk and expected us to do the teaching.  I wasn’t really expecting it, and so we just lead the classroom in discussions about some upcoming holidays and we shared some information about school in America, comparing them with the schools in Italy.  Though in essence it all sounds good, the students were not at all well behaved in comparison to the 18 year olds that I’ve been interning with.  They were so antsy and talkative and though they seemed interested, their attention was more turned towards their friends and the fact that they’d rather be enjoying the nice weather that awaited them when the bell rang.  It got really crazy when a giant moth flew in the room and all the students almost went ballistic, getting out of their desks and squealing almost in amusement.  For a moment I was just kind of in shock, kind of surprised that the teacher let them get away with acting like that.  I really have my work cut out for me in the following weeks.  The other student interning in the class and I decided to come up with a plan, some games, and some assignments to work on with the class so we could have some better control over the classroom.  I’m excited to see where it will go in the following weeks; I honestly think there is more room for improvement than there is for failure.   

Anyhow, as far as an update for the following weeks… I don’t even know where to begin.  Well, I guess to start with, today I had another cuisine workshop at the Boscolo Academy in Tuscania, which was actually a lot better than last time.  The chef in charge was a lot more inclusive and we all had a chance to prepare some of the dishes.  We made lots and lots of delicious pasta!!!  We even go to make homemade gnocchi, which I was really excited to finally learn how to make.  Now I don’t have any excuse to not try it at home!  Tomorrow my hill towns class is headed to Acquapendente and Pienze for a day trip, so I am pretty excited for that.  Next week I have my Italian final for the first section of Italian and then… on Thursday… I will be taking the train to my first country outside of America and Italy!  I’m going to Innsbruck, Austria for almost a week with my friend Jessica, where I will be staying with my Uncle so he can show me around where my grandparents lived and my mom grew up.  I’m so excited and I still can’t believe I’m leaving in less than a week!  Jessica and I also just bought tickets to visit another country… but I want to keep some sort of suspense so I don’t want to share yet. J You will find out soon enough!  That trip is scheduled from the 16th of November until the 20th and we will be in Austria from the first of November until the sixth.  So much traveling in so little time, I can’t even believe this is happening sometimes.  Anyways, keep posted, I can’t wait to share about my upcoming travels.

Ci Vediamo!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Eurochocolate Festival 2012, Perugia!!! (need I say more?)

Eurochocolate 2012
Every year since 1993, Perugia, Italy has hosted one of Europe’s largest chocolate festivals, Eurochocolate.  Over a million visitors pass through the streets of Perugia from the 19th to the 28th of October, sampling everything from chocolate covered almonds and chocolate cake to hot chocolate and chocolate kebabs.  But that’s just the beginning; open-air confectionaries bring in pounds and pounds of chocolate, displaying their decadent desserts all down the main piazza of Perugia.  And a personal fan of chocolate myself, perhaps just one step under a classified chocolate connoisseur, I was ecstatic at the opportunity to be one of those lucky visitors sampling every piece of chocolate I could possibly get my hands on.

So on Saturday the 20th, I geared up with the USAC group to bus over to the ancient city.  Our first stop was The Perugina chocolate factory, hence the location of the festival.  The company was founded in 1907 and began with only 15 employees.  After the invention of the Baci, (kiss) a small chocolate covered wrapped candy complete with hazelnut filling and a roasted hazelnut on top with a poetic love poem inside, the company grew in popularity.  It wasn’t though until 1939 at the World’s Fair in New York that the chocolate became a hit with the US and from there the company began exporting its now world famous chocolate.  The Perugina factory in Perugia is the only chocolate factory in the world that makes the Baci chocolate, so if you have a chance to check the closest place to home that sells Baci (which is more popular than expected), you’ll have a little piece of Perugia, in the best form yet. 
A Giant Baci in the historical room of the Perugina factory
 It was an awesome opportunity to be able to tour the factory and actually be able to see the machines in action, the robotic infrastructures wrapping and packing each individual chocolate bar and baci candy.  The bummer side of it though was as it was a Saturday, only a small number of machines were actually on and working.  Most of them were just sitting awaiting the busy week to come.  But, nonetheless, it was cool to see the actual birthplace of the candy bars that fill the grocery store shelves, that delicate aluminum that just so happens to be filled with one of life’s greatest pleasures.  At the end of the tour, our guide took us to the small portion of the factory that was almost a mini museum, a room dedicated to the history of the company.  It was interesting to see where they started out as a company and how far they have come.  I loved seeing the chocolate wrapping and packaging from decades ago, colors like peach cream and lemon yellow mimicking those stereotypical of the 70s and 80s.

The mini metro of Perugia
From the factory we headed straight over to the festival by the way of the local… mini metro!  The mini metro was the same idea as regular one, but it was definitely mini.   It was originally built to relieve the city of car traffic so the tracks were suspended high above the ground. The metro cars are silver and run on a bright red track, each one able to fit about 25 people to the max.  It was definitely one of the highlights of my day.  I even got one of the best views at the very front of the car.  It almost seemed like a mini roller coaster the way it curved around the infrastructures of nearby buildings and went through and around bridges.  I honestly felt like a little kid, I couldn’t stop smiling when I got on that little metro… it definitely was quite the experience… I mean, not many people can say they rode a mini metro! 

After the ride and a short walk, we finally ended up right in the center of the famous Eurochocolate festival.  As if the romantic atmosphere of the medieval town wasn’t enough, every via and corner was lined booth to booth with chocolate vendors.   From Lindt and Milka to small companies from corners of the world I didn’t even know existed, I definitely had my limited time of two hours cut out for me.  I knew two hours was barely enough time, and it was a difficult reality for me to comprehend as I just wanted to mosey through each booth all the while taking in the chocolate scented air.  But one of my Italian friends was determined to get a move on and get as much samples as we could in our limited time so we right away purchased a Eurochocolate card, which gave us free samples and goodies from a select group of chocolate companies. 

Name the chocolate? They got it.
So from there we hurried through each booth, squirming through the bunching crowds reaching out their hands hoping soon they’d be filled with a decadent chocolate sample.  My American friend, Jessica and I, were a little shy pushing through the crowds and asserting ourselves amongst the Italians who definitely have a way with accomplishing such tasks, so Giorgia, our friend from Italy, took up the challenge for us.  She was like a little ninja just battling her way through the thick crowds, taking our Eurochocolate cards from us and grabbing our samples, filling our bags full with delicious treats.  It made me laugh because at some booths she would show the vendor our cards and the vendor would give us three chocolates, one for each of us.  But she would put them all in her bag and ask for more.  I laughed at her and teased her about it, but she just smiled as said, “You have to learn how the Italians do it.” Fine by me though, I wasn’t about to complain about coming home with a few extra samples.

Why not make a kebab with chocolate?
I also made the incentive to purchase a chocolate kebab, which was basically a piece of thinly sliced cake that they topped with a syrupy white cream.  They then topped it off with shavings of white and milk chocolate.  I honestly wasn’t expecting it to be that good… but I was thankfully proven wrong.  It was delicious.  The cake was the perfect texture against the sweetness of the small shavings of chocolate, which almost melted together as I held it gently in my hand. Another one of my favorites was the Ciobar hot chocolate.  The hot chocolate here in Italy is a world different from hot chocolate at home. Here, it’s basically a warm pudding substance that’s more of a syrup than a liquid.  I’ve tasted a few around Viterbo, but the Ciobar hot chocolate blew my mind with its perfect flavor and consistency. Outside of the tastings though, the atmosphere was just so positive and fun.  It was similar to that of a fair, but a little more… sophisticated I guess could be the right word.  Everything from clowns entertaining couples with interesting balloon sculptures to people dressed up acting as statues hoping for the occasional tip, there was something to be seen at every corner.
The vendors keep busy.
Though it was only two hours, I loved just snacking on the chocolate in such a lovely city in Europe, surrounded by ancient medieval buildings towering above me at every street corner, etching through they sky centuries and centuries of history I might have otherwise been unaware of.  The best thing of all though was just walking through the streets, almost blind, just taking in the sweet smell of chocolate.  Melted chocolate, chocolate in squares, chocolate in triangles, chocolate with almonds, chocolate in wrappers… chocolate,  chocolate,  and more chocolate.  I couldn’t have asked for more from those small two hours, other than a good nights rest and maybe something to snack on other than chocolate even if just for the health of it.  

(Keep posted for my next day's adventure to the small town of Assisi)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Florence, Cortona, Lucca, Pisa, and Siena: The essence of Tuscany, an unthinkable journey amongst Italy’s greatest wonders

Ciao!  Please excuse my late post, I was gone for the week (hence the extremely and overly long blog post) and school work had taken the priority over finishing up the post earlier in the week.  But finally… here it is!  I hope you enjoy!

This past week I visited the beautiful city of Firenze, or, Florence, Italy.  Known as the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance and called the Athens of the middle ages, at every corner and through every via I was surrounded by thousands of years of history, right at my fingertips.  Florence is home to several artistic masterpieces and world famous galleries, including the Uffizi, which houses paintings such as The Birth of Venus by Botticelli and The Annunciation by Leonardo da Vinci, and the Academia, which houses the magnificent David by Michelangelo and the collection of his unfinished sculptures. 

I didn’t realize how amazing of an experience it would be to see this art in real life until I was actually there, seeing the original works with my own eyes… but… as excited as I am to tell you about it all… we’ll get to that in a minute.

First, we traveled by bus Monday morning.  Our first stop was Cortona, one of the oldest hill towns in Italy surrounded by medieval walls, similar to Viterbo. Though we were to be staying overnight in Florence, the trip included scheduled tours in other important cities during the week.  So, as far as schedule went, it was: Monday: Cortona.  Tuesday: Lucca and Pisa.  Wednesday and Thursday: Florence.  And, Friday: Siena.  So, the week was planned out to the T, with tour guides meeting us each city to tell us the history of these ancient towns.

Cortona has become recently famous because it was the setting of the novel and movie, Under the Tuscan Sun.  It is largely due to this that the center of town was very geared towards tourists, from gelato featuring American candy bars like Snickers and Twix, to souvenir shops dotting the circumference of the main square of the town, Piazza Comunale.  But with only the afternoon, only a small amount of time was spent perusing the small shops with local artists selling everything from handmade jewelry to hand thrown pottery.  There were several ideas thrown out but I decided my afternoon would be best spent finding the Basilica of Santa Margherita, a church built to house the body of Santa Margherita, who dedicated much of her life to helping the poor of Cortona in the early 13th century. 

The corpse of Santa Margherita at the altar
Because Cortona is a hillside town, some sort of a steep and narrow hill climb is usually included in any destination you are trying to reach in Cortona.  Our trek to the Basilica was no exception, as we had to zigzag up the hills several times until we reached the church.  But luckily, the climb offered us some great views of the Chiana Valley, a large alluvial valley that runs along the Apenine chain.

When we finally reached the top, we were met with a serene and quiet area surrounded by wild growth and trees, with the Basilica standing quietly at the corner.  The façade of the church from the outside seemed pretty simple, compared to other churches I’ve seen, but the symmetry was quite intriguing.  Once I stepped inside though, I was completely astounded and at awe of the beautiful colors used to cover every inch of space in the church.  A lot of the colors reminded me of ones from the Mexican tradition, from deep blue to scarlet red and serpentine green.  At the altar though, was where Santa Margherita slept quietly in her tomb.  It was decorated very beautifully, adorned with everything from candles and flowers, to tapestries and sculptures.  It was an intimate moment being able to experience the Basilica in quiet contemplation, just with the simple knowledge of the importance of Santa Margherita to Cotona’s heritage and culture. 

My first view of the magnificent Duomo
 After cooling off and snacking on some delicious gelato, it was back on the bus and off to Florence, where we would be staying overnight for the week.  We didn’t arrive until later in the evening, so most of what I saw the first night was beneath the cover of dark.  But, as a bustling city, it wasn’t exactly a problem, and it was a cool experience to see the city so alive at night, with people wandering the busy streets chatting with friends, dining out, or shopping around at the few shops that were left open.   I decided to just wander around a bit, staying near the hotel, which wasn’t too big of a deal sense most of the city’s boasted architectures, historical sites, and shopping streets were condensed within a few mile radius. 

It only took a few moments until I bumped into the Duomo and Bell Tower.  After turning a corner, these infrastructures just stood right in front of me, towering into the sky, so high, so detailed, so large, I could barely take it all in at once.  It was like trying to catch a constellation of stars at night, all and every part of it was so beautiful, I could barely pause to take in one aspect of it.  I literally couldn’t comprehend the amazing detail of every square inch of the building.  From small sculptures lining the columns and edges, to the rich and detailed color of the mosaics framing the door tops, to the unique coral and turquoise color of the marble… it was amazing.  I literally just stood there and stared in complete awe, just so confused as to why I’ve never in my life seen this place in a history book or in a picture somewhere. 

A rainy yet splendid day in Lucca
It wasn’t though until later that I finally figured out why.  After scrolling through the photos that I took of the church and bellower, it just simply didn’t match up to what I saw that evening, right there in front of me.  There is no photo, no painting, to description, that could ever truly do it justice.  The space it took, the grandiose size of it, is just something you can only capture if you’re right there, seeing it with your very own eyes.  But hey, it gives you one more excuse to come and experience Italy for yourself!  Stop 1: Florence, Duomo & Belltower.  There ya go, already got the first stop on your itinerary!

The next morning we met up in the hotel lobby after breakfast to head to our next destination for the week: Lucca.  Lucca is also similar to Viterbo, as it is surrounded by medieval walls still intact today.  The city sits on a plain by the Serchio River and is well known for it’s musical heritage.  It was home to the famous Giacamo Puccini, who composed several operas such as Madame Butterfly and La Boheme.  Though I wasn’t well read of the city’s history, it wasn’t difficult to quickly fall in love with the quiet atmosphere, narrow cobblestone streets, and medieval quarters just beckoning for exploration. 

Once a moat, now a public park in Lucca
Though we arrived in the pouring rain, there were moments when the sun just perfectly peeked through the heavy gray clouds, giving the architecture and colors of the town the justice they deserved.  The walls surrounding the city were a perfect backdrop, with expansive green fields lined with different tree species just beginning to change color with fall looming in the air.  It was so nice just to finally spend some time outside and experience an outdoor getaway for city locals. Lucca is definitely at the top of my list in the event I come back to Italy, for there is just so much to love about the small town: and it was just impossible to experience all it had to offer in the short time we had. Because, before I knew it, we were packed away on our tour bus to see Pisa, the city world famous for it’s leaning tower.

Pisa!  Need I say more?
We arrived in Pisa in less that an hour where we parked in a large parking lot filled with men from Africa selling everything from sunglasses and scarves to purses and watches.  They bombarded us as we got off the bus, so we eagerly awaited our shuttle to take us to our final destination.  Though I didn’t know exactly what to expect, I knew the afternoon would entail capturing some great cliché tourist photos.  As soon as the shuttle dropped us off, we walked down a pathway lined with vendors until we reached a wall with a large arched entrance.  With all the hustling and noise, I was not really in tune with my surroundings until… bam… there it was, the leaning tower, right in my line of vision.  I cocked my head, and just kind of giggled… the tower really was leaning… its no joke!  It wasn’t nearly as tall as I thought it would be, but it definitely was leaning a lot more than I expected.  Also, contrary to many people’s understanding, the tower is not standing alone.  Several other buildings, including the cathedral and baptistery surround it on the piazza known as Piazza dei Miracoli.

The Baptistery of St. John particularly stood out to me though.  The building itself is 55 meters high with a circumference of 107 meters, making it the largest baptistery in Italy.  It was immensely large in the inside, with a beautiful octagonal baptismal font in the center, and bronze statue of St. John the Baptist proudly displayed in the center of the font. Adjacent was a pulpit, adorned with carvings of The Nativity and the Crucifixion with each pillar supporting it representing one of the four virtues.  There was a curving staircase that led you to the base of the dome so you could get a better view.  The highlight though, was when one of the ticket collectors performed an impromptu performance (done every 30 minutes) to demonstrate the perfect acoustics created from the echo in the dome. 

The baptistry floor from the base of the dome
After a busy two days, I was happy to spend some time in Florence, where we were actually staying for the week.  Wednesday morning we met up for a guided tour of the Uffizi Gallery, one of the oldest and most famous museums in the world.  The Uffizi Gallery was originally a palace owned by the Medici family that they used to store several works by artists such as Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vince that the family had commissioned.  It is located in a narrow courtyard, so it could be easily missed if it weren’t for the hoards of tourists crowding outside the entrance.

It was a little overwhelming entering the museum at first, but after gearing up with a headset, notebook, and pencil, I was quickly entranced by the wonderful stories behind each piece of art that the guide covered.   We were ushered from room to room, where we were able to admire beautiful pieces of art from famous painters such as Michelangelo, Leonardo DaVinci, Sandro Botticelli, and Raphael. 

It’s difficult for me to admit, but before my trip to the Uffizi, I never appreciated art in the degree I do now.  I always admired the talent and creativity it took to create such masterpieces but beyond that, paintings and sculptures never really exactly interested or intrigued me.  But one of the first paintings we stumbled upon in the Uffizi, happened to be one of the most famous pieces of art in the world, The Birth of Venus, by Sandro Botticelli.   Now, when I walked into that tall room, faced with white empty walls, and the painting of The Birth of Venus hanging there right in front of me, I nearly keeled over.  It was literally amazing… right there… right in front of me… was the actual painting that I had seen everywhere in history books, art books, and on people’s walls ever since I can remember.  And there it was.  I almost tapped the shoulder of someone to double check that this indeed was the original… but I quickly changed my mind… realizing that it had to be.  After all, this was the Uffizi Gallery!

The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli
But this moment was just one point that kind of gave me a turn around when it came to appreciating art.  As an English major studying poetry, it was easy to take my experience in studying poetry and apply it to art.  For example, there are several ways to read a poem.  First you can read for its aesthetic qualities, paying close attention to the sounds, rhythm, and imagery of the piece.  Then you can reread to gather it’s intrinsic qualities: both from a personal perspective and meanings imbued by the writer (history, symbols, analogies, etc.).  Of course, I could delve into further details, but these are just the generalities.  But basically, now, I do the same thing with a piece of art.  I look at it, appreciate the detail, the colors, the form, then I begin to look for it’s representation of history, the story behind it, the meanings I personally derive from it, and ending with understanding what the artist is trying to portray.  I guess it sounds a little scientific, but it’s really helped in allowing me to really appreciate all the wonderful pieces of art I’ve had the privilege to see!

After touring the Uffizi for a few hours, we were free for the day to explore Firenze and see all there is to see.  Being in the middle of a large city and having left my map at home, I decided to stick with a few friends who ended up deciding to do some shopping.  From the plethora of open air leather markets to the high end fashion stores like Gucci and Prada (which I really had not interest in anyways), we definitely didn’t have trouble finding some favorable shopping destinations.  It was my first time to H&M Fashion, which was a bit overwhelming, but I found some nice clothes. I ended the day with some friends spending time just walking the streets of Florence, just taking in the new surroundings and atmosphere.  We found a delicious gelato shop for only a Euro so we picked our favorite flavors and headed to one of the bridges crossing the Arno River and sat and enjoyed our gelatos with a great view of the Ponte Vecchio and surrounding city. 

It was a great day taking in the city atmosphere, but with only Thursday left, I had other things on my agenda which included taking in the more historical aspects of the city.  So I made sure to plan out the few key things I wanted to do Wednesday night, and stashed my map in my purse so I’d be ready to venture off on my own come Thursday.

The David by Michelangelo
My class woke up bright and early Thursday morning, but before we were left on our own, the day began with a tour of the Academia to see the David by Michelangelo and his unfinished sculptures.  After a long wait, and gearing up once again with our headphones and notebooks, we entered the building.  Like most museums I had visited, the ceiling was extremely tall with white walls and columns guiding the way.  I guess they go for the simplistic feel to make the art the center of attention… something I hadn’t quite realized until I turned the corner… and down the aisle lined with his unfinished sculptures stood David himself, all 17 feet of him.  His head was cocked to the left, with his slingshot slung over his shoulder.  I could almost feel the tension and worry in his glare… almost as if I was there with him, ready to too face the King Goliath.  From his furrowed brows to his intent stare, my eyes hung steadily on every detail of his presence.  Every bulging vein and every muscle was most perfectly carved out of the white marble, only heightening the fact of his intentions.  But with these details in contrast to his contraposto pose, I was even more intrigued as I finally understood exactly why this statue has earned such acclamation not just throughout Italy, but the entire world.  The artistry and talent that took to create it was astounding, and the piece almost commanded a certain respect as gallery patrons just stood quietly at its base, in stunned admiration. 

Obviously, seeing David is something I know I’ll never forget.  I honestly didn’t know I could have appreciated such an experience until I was standing right there, seeing him with my very own eyes.  It’s hard to put a finger on, but it was definitely a surreal experience.  We ended our tour of the day with the Santa Croce Church, a beautiful basilica that happens to be the largest Franciscan church in the world.  It was actually founded by St. Francis himself and is now the burial place of Michelangelo, Galileo, and Machiavelli, among others. The basilica is located on the Piazza di Santa Croce, so it was just a short walk to reach the Duomo, the first piece of architecture that stunned me beyond disbelief when I explored the city streets during the first night of my stay.

The Duomo is another name for the Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore and as I said earlier, the façade of the church is just so gorgeous, so detailed, you have to not only see it to believe it, you have to feel it.  That might sound a little weird, but it’s difficult to comprehend something so magnificent that you are unsure of weather it is a figment of your imagination or if it is actually a real church standing right there in front of you.  The Basilica itself was constructed in 1436 and boasts an elaborate façade that faces every inch of the church, and its brick dome is actually the largest of its kind in the entire world. And for that reason, hey… why not climb it?

The amazing view of Florence from the top of the Duomo
So, 460 steps later, I was standing at the very top of Duomo, with the most breathtaking view Florence had to offer.  Lines and lines of terra cotta rooftops spanned off into the distance, with deep blue mountains quietly beckoning their liveliness against the horizon.  It was a small place with people packed in reminiscing of the moment, trying to take in every last piece of it.  Despite the hustle and excitement though, it wasn’t difficult to just take a moment and breathe.  My camera in hand, I tried to let it swallow every bit of color and liveliness that emanated from the dollhouse sized city streets.  But snap and snap as I might, I again couldn’t capture the majesty of the view.  It was simply magical that I could do nothing but allow myself to be filled with the joy and beauty of the moment.  With a smile eagerly sweeping itself across my face, I turned to the steep staircase that awaited me, only wishing this magnificent experience was something I could steal and stuff inside my pocket, so I could relive it at any moment.

But this is reality, as I oftentimes must remind myself being the romantic that I am.  So, after the climb down, I pulled out my map and scanned over my next quest listed: The Pitti Palace and Baboli Gardens.  The Pitti Palace is a Renaissance palace only a short distance from the world famous bridge: the Ponte Vecchio.  Though a Florentine banker, Luca Pitti, originally owned the palace, the Medici’s eventually purchased it, making it the residency of ruling families as well as a place to house valuables such as paintings and jewelry.  It wasn’t though until 1919 that the Palace was donated to the Italian government, when it opened its doors to the public, making it one of the world’s largest art galleries.  It wasn’t too difficult to find, which is a lot to say given my history with directions, and it was a wonderful atmosphere with people just basking in the sun and enjoying the day in its large and open courtyard.  The entrance that I found actually led me directly into the Baboli Gardens, which I decided I’d walk through before my visit inside the Palace.

The Baboli Gardens
The Baboli Gardens are one of the largest and most elegant Italian style gardens today. This 11-acre garden has actually undergone several stages of expansion since its beginnings in the early 1500s and it still requires constant restoration and maintenance.  But all the work put in day in and day out in the garden is completely worth it, because it was a beautiful getaway from the hustle and bustle of the city confines of Florence.  Upon entrance, you are greeted with the songs of Tuscany’s native birds and the sounds of fountains spewing out water against the cool fall sky.  I soaked up every bit of the sounds, colors and tastes in the air as I began to tour around the garden, walking up and down the long gravel paths lined with a plethora of sculptures and perfectly arching trees.  It took me awhile to adjust, as I am accustomed to gardens encompassing hoards of vegetables, fruit trees, and berry bushes, but I quickly realized that the term garden encompassed far more.  It didn’t take long for me to fall in love with the atmosphere of the gardens though, as I loved the long strolls that took me from fountain to fountain, curling along pathways lined with Cypress trees and perfectly kept hedges. 

Though I was in quite a rush to reach the gardens and the Pitti palace, as I was trying to fit so much in my last day in Florence, something about the atmosphere of the garden calmed my nerves and let me at ease for the few hours I was there.  I didn’t pay a worry to the time and I simply scurried around the garden pathways, almost skipping at times, just enjoying the small moments that I had.  It was fun to just pause in the center of the extremely long tunnels of trees that curved around me, making a perfect arch, and just almost let myself be transported into another reality.  I imagined the Medici’s, the people that once enjoyed these walkways and treated it as such a usual thing, it being just simply their backyard.  But here I was, on vacation almost, trying to steal a small glimpse into the reality of these aristocratic families from centuries ago.

My favorite part of the Gardens though, was the walk up to the small courtyard.  From there, I had a splendid view of a grove of olive trees, decorated with the occasional country home and even a small castle that sprung up into the darkening sky. 

A hillside view from the gardens behind the Pitti Palace
“I wonder about all of the olive trees, their precisely lovely placement along the campagna (counryside); bordered with a gallant history...  the turrets silhouetted against the open sky, along with cypress trees.  Tuscany, the soft edges, the emerald green of envy, then yet again against peach creamed homes, tucked beneath cypress and sycamore. Let me go to this land, live in this land, be present in this land.  Dancing while others begin to fall asleep to the music.  A tide against the silence of waters.  The Baboli Gardens, a garden sprung silently from the essence of dreams.”

 After taking in all the sweet moments that lingered in the air, I made my way to the Pitti Palace.  It was quite funny as an Italian woman asked me for directions (one of the several times I’ve had to disappoint here when it comes to directions) just as I was looking for the entrance.  I told her I didn’t know where they were so she just decided to choose her own route, so I decidedly followed which was slightly awkward given the circumstance.  But obviously her instincts were right as I was led straight into the entryway after passing the small cafes that sat at the base of the palace.  Even after I entered though, I was a bit confused of where I was supposed to go because of the number of doorways and entrances at every corner and down every hallway.  I just kind of walked until I found the beautiful room just dripping in glistening chandeliers that hung from every available inch of ceiling.  I kind of just stood and stared until I realized this entrance was specifically for a concert that was going on in a few hours.  So I bid my apologies and turned around headed for the place I was supposed to go… though I still hadn’t a clue.

But soon enough, after asking a number of people, I found the costume gallery which my ticket to enter the Baboli Gardens fortunately covered. So I made my way through the suites full of theatrical costumes that dated all the way back to the 15th century to the present.  It was a suite of 14 rooms, all full of beautiful dresses and garments.  It wasn’t difficult to imagine myself wearing one of the beautiful scarlet red dresses adorned with flowers and dripping with delicate pearls.  I mean, what girl wouldn’t want to be a princess for a day?  From there I was led into another room where a Native American exhibition was being held.  Inside there was everything from Indian headdresses, saddle blankets, and delicately beaded papoose. It was a little weird seeing all the historical pieces that obviously came from my home country, and viewing them all the way in Italy.  But it kind of gave me a sense of identity, and I felt proud and appreciative of my country’s beautiful and rich history, as recent as it may be.  

After finishing up perusing the suites of historical artifacts, I landed at the gift shop.  I asked where the Medici apartments were, because I really wanted to see them, but after realizing how late it already was and with the added fact it was a 13 Euro entry fee when it closed in only 20 minutes, I knew it was probably best to pass.  So I did, planning in the event that I would return to Florence to make this one of my favored stops (I unfortunately have been doing this a lot during my stay in Italy…) But I was excited for my next event on my personal travel itinerary: to get a good view and picture of the Ponte Vecchio.

The famous Ponte Vecchio
The Ponte Vecchio (old bridge), originally built in 1345, is a bridge crossing the Arno River that is lined with a plethora of jewelry shops selling everything from small sterling silver charms to the finest hand crafted diamond rings. Butchers actually use to occupy the shops, but the waste that accumulated from carcasses discarded in the water created an awful stench.  Because of this, an edict was emplaced to replace the butchers with goldsmiths.  After its several repairs it still stood strong, even with the rage of Hitler damaging the certainty of its longetivity.  But luckily, Hitler specifically named this bridge to be saved, even amongst the several bombings that left most historical bridges in Italy in ruins.  It was definitely an experience walking across the bridge, with its narrow pathway hovered by windows glistening with diamonds and jewels.  I wasn’t planning on purchasing anything, as I don’t exactly have the kinds of funds to be coming home with that kind of jewelry.  But I found a small pincushion adorned with simple charms of the lire (the earlier currency of Italy) and the Ponte Vecchio.  I decided for 8 Euros it would be a perfect way to remember such a wonderful day journeying through Florence. 

The charm and pictures were the souvenirs that I hoped would do some justice when it came to remembering my time spent in Florence.  It was such a beautiful city.  The cradle of the Italian Renaissance and the home to some of the world’s finest art, it was a city that I would recommend anybody who had the chance to visit.  And again, it is a city that I hope to return to, with the hopes to share the experience with close family or friends.

Piazza del Campo in Siena
Friday was the last day for our field study, and it was to be spent in Siena.  Siena is a hill town well known for its cuisine, art, museums, and the Palio, a world famous horse race held twice a year.  We spent time with a guide touring the Siena Cathedral, a beautiful church that was completed between 1215 and 1263.  The church was so large and complex, with the inside housing several chapels, frescoes, and marble inscriptions.  At the very back of the church was a beautiful stain glass window depicting the Last Supper with the dome being one of the main focal points, covered in small golden stars.   What was most impressive though was the floor of the church, entirely covered in mosaics that took a total of 500 years to finish.  We were lucky enough to visit during the 4-6 weeks when the floors were left uncovered (they are usually covered to protect them from the thousands of visitors that pass each year); so we all had the special privilege of getting to view all 56 panels.  They were all etched in great detail and depicted several scenes of biblical stories of the Old Testament to inscriptions featuring the wolf suckling infants, Romulus and Remus.

With Siena being our last stop, we all boarded the bus for our trip home.  The week seemed to pass by so fast, but I definitely learned and took so much in during the short 5 days.  The bus ride home was just as enjoyable though, passing through the countryside of Tuscany, with the sunset perfectly playing out between the sleeping hillsides, and the cypress trees silhouetting themselves against the evening sky.  It was hard to comprehend that these vast and natural areas were just moments away from Florence, one of the biggest cities in Italy. And though the clouds stubbornly hung in the graying sky, the sun peeked from it’s cover just enough so that we could catch a glimpse of a beautiful rainbow that showered the sky with tinges of blue, purple, and lemon.  It was the perfect ending to a wonderful week, I couldn’t have asked for more.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Orto Botanico and the Italian countryside… sorprese semplici a Roma e Viterbo

Coming to a foreign country I wasn’t looking for a vacation or some sightseeing, or even just a simple book of photos to show off to my friends.  I decided to come here for an experience.  To dig my feet in some new soil, to eat new food, meet new friends… live a different life so completely outside of my familiar surroundings.  It’s crazy that it took an entire month to actually feel like I was finally accomplishing something and getting somewhere.  It is one thing to drop into a foreign country, see some sights, take some photos, and take off soon after, but it’s quite another thing to settle down and make the foreign country your home.

It is unfortunate sometimes because I am realizing how fast 4 months really is going.  I finally am beginning to really love it: the people, the food, the atmosphere.  The way of life so unique to this country.  It is so authentically rich, just like the flavors of their food.  Spaghetti al dente, musky thick fall air, crinkled fallen leaves, gelato stuck to our thumbs.  Fountains, buildings with age, but full of life.  The ivy, the peach smoked walls of my bedroom and the way traffic never stops.  It’s all Italy and it’s all what I’m becoming accustomed to.  It’s all what I’m falling in love with.  So much so that I’m almost scared sometimes to go back and losing all that I have found.

It’s just the simple things really that get to me.  That send a rush of excitement through my body, that sparks a smile across my face, like I’d been hit by some mysterious yet magical bolt of lightening.  From the moment a train takes off to the color of the turquoise seats.  The experience of an Italian woman with thick black Gucci sunglasses and a marbled color scarf yelling at you in Italian.  The fact that it makes you laugh inside because you can’t understand a word she says.  And the way the entire train is looking at you, yet you’re not a tad bit embarrassed.

Then the birds.  The way the birds dance heavily in the sky, the way the light follows them from the train stations after midnight.  Then there is the color of a simple pigeon.  The sway of its head, carrying it along. And the beautiful violet color of its neck.  The moment where you wish you had a crumb to share.  That would perhaps make you that much closer to the things that you can never understand.

And my favorite.  The colors.  The color of the sky right now.  White, a moment ago, now blue.  Soft, the colors of a baby boy’s velvet blanket.  It’s clarity and it’s written invitation. As though it wants me to come wherever the clouds carry it, as far as it goes, further away.  Terra cotta and orange.  The color of peaches, fresh plucked from the tree.  The contrast of it against the green hillside. The pink Convolvus nervously peaking from behind a rod iron fence.  The thick forests of bamboo swaying along the highways.  The view from a castle.  The hills rolling into the horizon.  Dotted with houses.  Oranges and yellows.  Creamy white, the color of vanilla and whipping cream. 

It’s all these moments that make me so badly want to stay here and never leave.  The discovery of the Italian countryside today.  The moment where I feel truly at home, only against the curve of dirt roads, rows of fruit trees and the smell of the earth held statically and thickly in the air.  The smell I want to take with me wherever I go.  And eat it, live it, become it.

All these moments- just lent discoveries in these small yet oh so big four months.  Scrolling through hundreds of photos already taken, wondering of the person I was, and perhaps the person I am becoming.  But that’s life, its all stepping-stones… this one just happens to be a half a world away.

I am finding that the best moments come unplanned and unscheduled.  This is the only way the outcome is… unforgotten.

this last Friday.

The area of the Vatican where daily mass is held
My last post.  I wasn’t a fan of Rome.  It made me want to go home, to Viterbo and back to I knew what Italy was.  But that was the day I didn’t really see Rome.  I saw the Colosseum, The Forum, I saw buildings.  But I saw these things against crowds and people and an overabundance of noise and sweltering air.  I saw the corner of Rome that swallowed tourists whole, like Jonah and the whale.

But Friday I escaped this vortex, of following the crowd like a little lost lamb.  Without a group, just one other person, we let ourselves take us where we want to go.  We explored Rome for what it truly is, and got to see an entirely different part of it. 

My friend and I started out by catching the 8 am train from Viterbo.  12.50 Euro for a ticket there and back, which includes metro transportation in Rome.  Quite a steal if you ask me.  It began on the train, by a window seat and watching the part of Italy forgotten in tour books pass outside my window.  Plots of gardens, thick green brush, scatterings of starved trees, of lively ones too.   With several stops, the train ride takes about two hours.  And the goal once we arrived: to get to the Vatican mass by 11am. 

So we jumped off the train like anxious children do like when they get out of their beds on Christmas morning.  We took out our map, and followed the dome of the Vatican, occasionally asking for directions every few blocks.  It was pretty straightforward so we found it quickly enough.  The trick is to find a nun or priest and just follow.  They’re bound to be headed there anyways. 

The Vatican & Piazza San Pietro
Upon arriving to Piazza San Pietro, I was immediately overcome with memories of my last visit to the Vatican.  The Piazza looked so empty, though it was a bustling Friday morning.  This probably was because the last time I had visited was on Easter Sunday.  The most of what occurred that day was a rain shower, a view of umbrellas, and the frustration of people trying to get the best view.  The open piazza that morning looked so much more… inviting.  And consequently I was looking forward to participating in mass a lot more.

After going through a long line and passing through security, which actually went pretty fast, we were able to finally make it to the Vatican.  Its size is so completely overwhelming, from the columns reaching to the ceiling of gold so high that my eyes could barely reach, to the detailed statues and paintings at every vantage point.  I couldn’t believe that people had actually created this marvelous structure.  It’s so difficult to imagine when you feel like a speck against the grandiose of columns and archways.  We were right on time for mass, which was located at the back left corner of the Vatican.  There were pews set up, and it was kept separate from the rest of the Vatican only with red markers.  It took a few moments to settle out of the mindset of sightseeing and to calm down from the mad rush that it took to get there.  But it didn’t take too long as it seemed so separate from the plethora of tourists and crowds of people.  Though the mass was held in Italian, it was a good time for silence and prayer for all those that participated. 

Michelagnelo's Pieta
The mass lasted an hour, typical of Catholic mass, so after that we toured around the Vatican.  After admiring the beautiful statues, paintings and mosaics from several famous artists, we marveled at the beautiful “Pieta” by Michelangelo.  The statue was commissioned with the contract stipulating that it had to be “the most beautiful work in marble that exists in Rome to this day.”  According to the story, the statue was being attributed to other artists, so one night Michelangelo crept into Saint Peter’s and engraved his name on the Virgin’s breast.  This is the only sculpture Michelangelo signed. 

From the Vatican, we decided to cross over the Ponte Sant’Angelo, to take a walking tour that would end at the Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere.  The bridge was located right by the Castel Aant’Angelo and passed directly over the Fiume Tevere (Tiber River).  Along the bridge were statues of white marble angels that held “an instrument of the martyrdom of Christ” such as the nails and the cross.  They were humble reminders of the long history of Vatican City along with its dedications and religious roots.

The weather was perfect for walking, and thought it was humid, it wasn’t too warm. The cool air from the river helped and the beautiful views would have probably kept us going whatever the weather.  Our goal was to ultimately reach the Basilica of Santa Maria though the guidebook we were using noted there was a garden on the way.  I was assuming it would be a simple garden that might take a few moments to tour around and admire… but luckily I was more than wrong.

I am used to these being able to fit in the palm of my hand...
After walking quite a ways and stopping at some local shops here and there, we finally stumbled upon the Orto Botanico.  The garden belongs to the University of Rome and hosts an amazingly rich variety of Mediterranean trees and plants.  We decided to just take a few moments to walk around, not realizing it covered nearly 30 acres, hosted more than 3,000 species, not to mention a beautiful staircase and waterfall…

With a turn of the corner, we were immediately overtaken by gigantic Yucca plants.  As I work at a Greenhouse, I had become accustomed to several of the smaller varieties, and maybe even some of the same varieties but just not so large.  But here right in front of me were succulents and desert plants so large they almost seemed unreal.  I really almost went wild walking from plant to plan in excitement learning their names and seeing the plethora of varieties of plants: ones I was familiar with and ones I had never heard of.  I felt super smart when I could name a few plants like Brugmansia, Lantana, and Euphorbia, though I knew I just put a tiny dent into the dozens of other plants I couldn’t seem to find a name for.  It was fun nonetheless.  I wanted to just pitch a tent and stay the night, but unfortunately the tour book didn’t list that as an option.

A view of the greenhouse hosting succulents from all over.
We even ran into a greenhouse full of succulents from all over the world, some so rare they were behind metal fencing so nobody touched them.  There were cactuses that looked like they came straight out of a Dr. Seuss book and succulents with thick hair almost a foot long.  I never knew there was any such thing!  From the greenhouse we continued on following pathways that curved and winded along a plethora of evergreen, deciduous and even palm trees that towered above all.  One of my favorite parts though was a bamboo forest with a small stone pathway running between the rows of dense growth.  From there we reached a Japanese garden with beautiful Japanese trees and a quiet waterfall meandering through the vegetation.  From some points, through the silhouette of the trees, you could even seen Saint Peter’s Basilica towering above the scenic view of Rome. Molto bella, molto bella was all I could say.  Sometimes, a picture (or a view) can say more than a thousand words. And that’s a rare thing for me to say. 

And much to our surprise, we happened to be at the gardens when they were hosting a special weekend for locals to showcase their special products.  From soap made from extra virgin olive oil colored with natural pigments from flowers to local honey and candles, I definitely spent some time looking around and asking about the products.  It was a perfect place for souvenirs for close friends and family… ;-)

Palm trees galore.  I couldn't believe I was in Rome!
Though I never wanted to leave, the last train from Rome to Viterbo left at 9 and it was already after 6.  If we wanted to see the church and stop for a nice dinner, and catch the train, we had to be off.  The sun was already setting, so it made me a little nervous with the time constraint.  But we quickly made our way out and before we knew it, we were standing right at the base of the beautiful Basilica of Santa Maria.  Inside there were beautiful mosaics and in the background was the soft sounds of the Gregorian chant.  We were there 20 minutes before they closed, so we used those to gather our thoughts and to marvel in the beautiful pieces or artwork. 

From the church we found a nice place to sit down and eat dinner.  I really wanted to have the traditional Italian 4 course meal because I’ve been in Italy for a month and I haven’t had the opportunity to try it yet.  They had the option to do that for a prezoo fisso (fixed price) of 13 Euro so I ordered all 4 courses.  It sounds like a ton of food, but the portions are really small and it is healthy food (unlike most of the American restaurants at home with steak and fries).  My first course was an antipasti, Bruschetta, Primo was homemade lasagna, (the most delicious and amazing lasagna I’ve ever had in my life), then Secondo was chicken with a small salad, and to finish it off, for Dolce, I had crème caramel.  I wasn’t a fan of the dolce, because it tasted like a flan but was not at all thick or creamy, but I was still pretty happy by the end with how delicious the lasagna turned out to be.

The beautiful Basilica of Santa Maria
After finishing our delicious meal, it was time to be off with the fact we had 20 minutes to catch a train with a location we were unaware off.  But luckily we found someone to explain how to get there by taking the tram.  I was excited because I had only taken the tram once or twice before.  We caught it just in time before it left.  In the tram a man had his violin where he proceeded to play a piece from Beethoven and a piece that I recognized from the Disney movie, Aristocats.  I couldn’t stop smiling as I listened to him play.  It was almost a surreal and perfect ending to a wonderful and long day and was such a sweet sound against all the excitement of the new sounds, smells, and sights.  When he finished he walked around for tips.  I didn’t hesitate; he definitely deserved the thanks after putting the last sparkle in my Friday in Rome.

Today and yesterday have just been catching up with things at home, cleaning up, and packing for next week for my trip to Florence.  Today to get some fresh air though, my friends and I decided to take a long walk from behind the apartments outside the walls into the countryside.  It was a wonderful way to spend a Sunday afternoon and gave me a glimpse into the quieter way of life some people in the Italy live.  From the winding dirt roads, to old rickety wooden fences, to garden plots, grape vines and olive orchards I was ready to call USAC up and prolong my stay.  It was a great place to take some beautiful photos and gather my thoughts after a busy last few weeks.  I was just really happy to find a place outside the realm of my living situation and be surrounded by the smells and atmosphere of country life. 

From Rome to the countryside of Viterbo, I am definitely having the time of my life.  I am so appreciative of every moment and I am determined to not let a moment slip by without living it to its fullest potential.  Enough with the cliché statements though… until next time…

Ciao Ciao